
Welcome to All Four Burners!

I created this site to chronicle my cooking adventures. I love the science of food (science is cool!) and spend an inordinate amount of time figuring out how to use the meat and produce available at our local and farmers markets.

This blog is also an excuse to return to photography, an early love. I received my first camera at age 8 — it’s is still in a closet at my parents’ house, although it’s probably considered an antique by now.

I’m a little late to the food blogging game, but I was busy (and still am) in my life working on other aspects of the Web.

I hope that sharing these food finds with you will expand my cooking boundaries*, provide an excuse to buy fun camera equipment, and enhance my mad writing skills.

And I wouldn’t mind meeting more food nuts!

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband and two dogs.

* I’m scared of many things, including (but not limited to): broken glass, boiling water, yeast, fish and other meat carcasses, and using new appliances for the first time. And those are just my food-related phobias.

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